Women's Resource Center Sabrina Single Mother's Scholarship is available to graduate and undergraduate women who are single mothers attending the University of New Mexico. The scholarship is based on financial need.
Applicants must complete an essay explaining how the scholarship will help them obtain their college degree. They must enroll in at least six credit hours of college classes each semester. In addition, a grade point average of 2.0 or above must be maintained.
The scholarship is offered by the University of New Mexico Women's Resource Center. Based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the non-profit organization serves the needs of women at the University of New Mexico as well as in the New Mexico community in the areas of education, equality and social needs.
In addition to scholarships for single mothers, the organization provides resources on financial assistance, free counseling for abuse, addictions, depression and stress, and crises intervention. They also offer any number of referrals to important services such as legal, health, childcare, and sexual harassment.
The deadline for this scholarship is usually in NOVEMBER of each year, and the award amount is usually $500.
For more details, visithttp://women.unm.edu/what-we-offer/sabrina-single-mothers-scholarship-.html