Samuel Huntington Public Service Award is for graduating college seniors who are interested in spending one year after graduation in public service. They may choose any location in the world.
To apply, students must submit an idea for a program that will improve the community. It can be in the U.S. or abroad, and it can include working alone or with other charitable organizations, including religious, education or government.
Half of the award is paid at the beginning of the assignment, and the other half is awarded after six months. The award money can be used for graduate school or to start a career.
The award program is offered by National Grid, a large supplier of electricity and natural gas to several states in the northeastern U.S. Students interested in applying must describe their project in detail, including budget, long-term sustainability, and how it will solve a problem or help people in communities.
The deadline for this scholarship is usually in JANUARY of each year, and the award amount is usually $15,000.
For more details, visit