The J.P. Morgan Chase & Company "Launching Leaders" Scholarship Program is open to top undergraduate minority students, and combines a scholarship with an internship experience.
Applicants must be college sophomores and juniors who are Black, Hispanic or Native American students. Candidates who are interested in a career in financial services and have a minimum GPA of 3.2 may apply, but students from all majors may apply. Scholarship recipients are invited to accept a summer internship in Investment Banking, Investor Services, Public Finance, Research, Risk, Sales & Trading, or Treasury Services.
Sophomore scholarship recipients who successfully complete their summer internship are invited to accept another internship in their junior year, at which time they will receive another monetary award. Juniors who receive a scholarship and complete their internship may be offered a full-time position after they graduate, and if accepted, will receive another monetary award.
Applicants must submit answers to two essay questions, along with a resume and other required documents. The purpose of the scholarship program is to foster interest among students to consider a career in the field of financial services and reward top students with an opportunity to work for a world financial services leader, J.P. Morgan Chase & Company.
The deadline for this scholarship is usually in SEPTEMBER of each year, and the award amount is usually $5,000 - $10,000.
For more details, visit