The ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship awards 20 grants each year to law students who are racially and ethnically diverse. The scholarships cover three years of law school education.
The purpose of the scholarship is to enable racially and ethnically diverse students to attend law school. Applicants must be strong academic candidates who demonstrate the ability to excel in their profession, are committed to public service, and have overcome adversity.
The American Bar Association Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund was established in 2000. Since its beginning, 200 deserving students have received scholarships. The fund was established by William G. Paul who believed that financial aid was critical in order to increase diversity in the law profession.
The American Bar Association (ABA) is a voluntary bar association of lawyers and law students. It was formed in 1878 and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.
The deadline for this scholarship VARIES each year, and the award amount is usually $15,000.
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