Writer's Digest Popular Fiction Awards is open to free lance writers who have a passion for writing short stories. Every year, 6 winners receive awards, plus one person is selected as the grand prize winner.
Candidates may submit a short story in one of the following categories: Romance, Thriller, Crime, Horror, Science-Fiction, and Young Adult. All entries must be original work and limited to 4,000 words or less.
One winner in each of the 6 categories will receive cash, $100 off a purchase at www.writersdigestshop.com, and the latest copy of the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. One grand prize winner will receive cash, a paid trip to the annual Writer’s Digest Conference, an interview with the author in a Writer’s Digest issue, $100 off a purchase at www.writersdigestshop.com, and the latest copy of Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market.
Writer’s Digest was founded more than 90 years ago to support writers. The organization publishes books, magazines, competitions, conferences and distance education materials for writers who want to sharpen their writing skills.
The deadline for this scholarship is usually in SEPTEMBER of each year, and the award amount is usually $2,500.
For more details, visit www.writersdigest.com/writers-digest-competitions/popular-fiction-awards