Top Scholarships Available For Students

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Deputy Scholarship for Women in Technology

Deputy Scholarship for Women in Technology is open to women who are currently pursuing a bachelor’s or master's degree in computer science, information systems, computer engineering, business technology administration or a related IT field.

Candidates must be female, full-time students enrolled at an accredited public or private (non-profit) college or university in the U.S. All applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or above. Students may major in Computer Science, Technology, Computer Information Systems, Information Technology, Software Engineering, Cyber Security, Multimedia Computing and other related technology majors.

To apply, students must complete an essay of 500 words or less describing how the scholarship and their current technology course work will help them achieve success. Students must also define what success means to them and their career goals.

Deputy was founded in 1992 by Steve Shelley. The technology company helps companies in more than 70 countries save time and money by creating software that manages their workforce.

The deadline for this scholarship is usually in NOVEMBER of each year, and the award amount is usually $1,000.

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