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Jesse Brown Memorial Youth Scholarship Program

Jesse Brown Memorial Youth Scholarship Program
Jesse Brown Memorial Youth Scholarship Program honors young volunteers who are dedicated to serving veterans. The scholarship is open to volunteers age 21 or younger who have contributed a minimum of 100 hours credited through Disabled American Veterans (DAV) or DAV Auxiliary.

Volunteer work may include anything from volunteering at a local Department of Veterans Affairs medical center to assisting veterans within their local communities. Students may be nominated by the Voluntary Service Program Manager at a VA medical center, DAV Department Commander, or students may self-nominate themselves by completing an essay on what volunteering for veterans means for them.

The purpose of the scholarship is to honor young volunteers who are dedicated to serving veterans. Scholarships can be used at any accredited institution of higher learning, including universities, colleges, community colleges, vocational schools, etc.

The annual scholarship is sponsored by the Disabled American Veterans, a nonprofit organization that provides a lifetime of support for veterans of all generations and their families. The organization has almost 1,300 chapters and nearly 1.3 million members across the country, with national headquarters located in Cold Spring, Kentucky.

The deadline for this scholarship is usually in FEBRUARY of each year, and the award amount is usually $20,000.

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