The Generation Ali Global Citizenship Scholarship Program offers 15 annual awards to high school students, graduates or students currently attending college in the U.S. Eligible students must plan to attend or currently be enrolled full-time in either a two-year or four-year college or university.
The scholarships include 8 for students who are U.S. citizens, and 7 for students who are non-citizens of the U.S. Among the scholarships awarded, two will be the Ina Brown Bond Scholars, one for a student from Louisville and one for a student from outside the state of Kentucky.
The scholarships are funded by the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, Kentucky, a museum that shares the story of the life of Muhammad Ali and the principles he lived by. The museum and the scholarships serve as an inspiration to all young people to pursue their dreams in life. Muhammad Ali began his career as a gold medal winner at the 1960 Olympics and went on to become one of the most famous boxers in sports history.
The scholarships are not renewable. Students applying will need to complete two essays on how Muhammad Ali’s six core principles can make them a better global citizen and what they can do to improve relationships across different cultures.
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