The Jimmie L. Dean Scholarship Foundation is open to outstanding students residing in the state of Oklahoma and planning to attend college for the first time in Oklahoma. Students must have attended a high school in Oklahoma High School or were home schooled while living in Oklahoma.
An ACT score of 20 or above is required. Students must plan to attend a four-year college, university or technical school pursuing a four-year degree. The scholarships can be used for college tuition, room and board, and other academic fees. The number of scholarships awarded each year depends upon the number of applications received.
Jimmy L. Dean (not the sausage mogul) was raised in Oklahoma and worked at Phillips Petroleum for 33 years. Before he died in 2008, it was his wish for his nephew to start a college scholarship fund with the $2 million he had saved in the bank. The fund focuses on students who value education and believe in working hard to achieve their goals, just like Jimmy. It is also the desire of the fund to help Oklahoma students who will remain in Oklahoma.
Applicants must also write an essay that explains their career goals and why they should receive the scholarship. Approximately $100,000 in scholarships are awarded each year.
The deadline for this scholarship is usually in APRIL of each year, and the award amount is usually $10,000.
For more details, visit www.jimmiedeanfoundation.org/apply